How do you pitch to investors? When should you buy a domain name? What are the best tools to use when planning your marketing communications? Game Anglia organised a series of talks held at the University of Suffolk in April 2018 to help students answer these questions.
One of our missions at Game Anglia is helping students by providing insider knowledge into subjects they are not usually exposed to. This can mean getting them to meet Brenda Romero, talk about remote game development or, as we have done recently, talking to them about branding, investors and marketing tools.
Game Anglia brought three speakers in front of students at the University of Suffolk in a series of talks which broached these subjects.
Chris Filip then talked about his journey into creating a personal brand and his forays into finding proper names for initiatives, buying domains and creating business cards.
The talk that ended the series of Career Boosters was StrategiQ Marketing Digital Strategist Ian Garstang who helped students realise that PR & Marketing can be made much easier by using tools like Buffer and Hubspot, and shared tips and tricks of the trade.
Kiril Kostadinov, a first year Games Design student, had this to say about the series of talks:
“The talks introduced us to a wide range of professional methods, which can boost our game marketing skills. It was really useful and motivating for us to brand ourselves if we want to join an already established AAA studio or even start our own. The presenters were really specific and easy to follow. In the end of the talks they spoke to the viewers individually and answered every question with an example from their professional careers. The talks showed me how to start a business and sell my products, which is of extreme importance if you want to create a popular game title.”
All the talks were attended by UoS students and will be up on the Game Anglia Youtube channel over the next few weeks.